
Vocabulary   You and Your Vocabulary  #

Studies have shown that the single most significant factor in success in life is determined by the size of your vocabulary.   Language is a tool we have created to communicate with each other and the people who get what they want use language to achieve their purpose.   If you are not articulate you will not be as persuasive as someone who has the gift of the gab. 

Some are born with a good vocabulary, some have it drummed into them, while others find it extremely difficult to attain.

There are many forms of articulateness; you can be erudite, loquacious, glib or simply inarticulate, incoherent, tongue-tied, timid, unintelligible, garbled, or incomprehensible.

Other synonyms are:  Erudite – scholarly, academic, loquacious, garrulous, voluble, chatty, fluent, glib, gushy, breezy

For the less expressive:  Laconic, terse, concise, curt, brief, succinct, pithy, brief, Taciturn, reticent or uncommunicative.

As in all things, moderation and balance are essential.  Many highly educated or experienced people use lofty erudite or jargonistic language common people cannot understand and so their message becomes inaccessible causing a lack of communication.  Often the vernacular or colloquial vocabulary is more colourful and effective.

It is important that you can express your opinions in a clear, fluent, cogent and forceful manner if you wish to have an impact on your audience.

How you say things can have a profoundly different impact on your audience as this video from Youtube demonstrates:


This site provides a variety of vocabulary exercises for you to improve your vocabulary.  Use them to become more expressive.

Useful Link for practice: http://dynamo.dictionary.com/?mp_source=ihzyvr   or:
