About Us

Nebo-Lit is a boutique website conducted by Charles Klassen, an experienced English teacher, who trained in Canada and America, and has taught in Canada and in Australian private and public systems.

The intended audience is senior high and freshman college students who are looking for quality resources at their fingertips and hoping to achieve excellent results in assessment tasks or examinations and develop sophisticated expressive skills. We provide links to other useful sites to further your studies.

All staff are fully experienced teachers with experience in marking centres. This is our letter to the world; we do not claim to be authorities, merely expressing a point of view amongst many. Remember to read widely and get as many points of view as possible before drawing your own conclusions.

The site is an on-going project and is continuously updated.

The site is an interactive one where students can submit questions, participate in forums with other students and submit draft essays for evaluation, assessment and suggested improvements.

We can be contacted via email: nebo-lit1@usa.net

All the best in your senior studies,

Charles Klassen