Collective Nouns #
Nouns are words that used as name of a person, place or thing. e.g. tree; horse.
Proper nouns name specific people, places or things, common nouns name general ones, while abstract nouns name ideas or things we can not see, feel or taste.
Collective nouns name groups of people, places of things.
Here are some interesting words that describe groups of people, places or things:
Drift of hogs Exaltation of Larks Muster of Peacocks
Pride of lions Pod of whales Siege of herons
Sloth of bears Nursery of racoons Watch of nightingales
Ambush of tigers Shrewdness of apes Lepe of leopards
Corps of giraffes Troop of kangaroo Skulk of foxes
Swarm of bees Brood of birds (hens) School of fish
Clutch of hens Lodge of beavers Litter of whelps (dogs)
“implausibility” of platapus.
General #
Galaxy of stars Giggle of girls Wobble of bicycles
Yawn of lessons Batch of tarts Dampness of babies
Chain of smokers Class of racists Anthology of poems/stories
Suite of furniture Fanfare of strumpets Clan/throng of people
Cellar of wine Crawling of sycophants
Professions #
Handof masseurs Tackle of footballers Exchange of stockholders
Case of lawyers Horde of collectors Body of undertakers
Suit of tailors Warp of statisticians Palette of painters
Cell of policemen Promise of politicians Surplice of parsons
Lack of Principals Quantity of surveyors
Massof priests Rack of toastmasters Cast of orthopaedic surgeons
Squint of farmers Couch of psychiatrists Column (clutch) of journalists
Lot of salesmen Cliché of columnists Herd of otolaryngologists
Sentence of judges Rash of dermatologists Movement of gastroenterologists
Floss of dentists Clot of haematologists Stream (dribble) of urologists
Score of composers Brace of orthodontists Sample of pathologists