Writing Informative Essays 1918004

The Language of Information #

People who use language to transmit knowledge, and communicate facts will use an objective approach.


Text types or Genres that:


Explain,      Describe      or       Instruct


Distinguish between  fact and opinion in these statements:


*          “ He scored 110 runs.” “ That was a magnificent effort.”*

Characteristics of Informative language:

·        **Identification of Phenomenon: **Names, labels, terms

·        Referential language; language which is precise, denotative and literal in meaning.  ie.;  The acid ate through the metal; is not figurative.

**Technical **language, dry symbols ie;  å,  â, or  l,  acronyms and jargon.

Formal register of language. Abstract processes,  and  general classes of things rather than individual.


·        Impersonal statement; The writer tries to be objective and refrains from colouring one’s ideas and imposing them on the reader. Uses impersonal pronouns such as one, he, they, or the writer, rather than I or we.


·        A neutral  tone or attitude.  Little emotion or temperament.


·        emphasis on clarity  (explicit) of expression rather than complexity.  Short      Sentences.    **Subject -  verb - object, **  order of sentence construction.

·        The passive voice keeps the writer detached, removed and aloof maintaining an impersonal tone without any hint of the writer’s attitude.

·        **Link words **relate to cause and effect; because, due to, as a result or Time link words; iniatially, next, then, following.

Structures:  (Scaffolding)


·        Headings and sub-headings

·        logical sequencing of points

·        numerated points (hierarchical)

·        clear concise expression

·        short sentences and paragraphs


One must be vigilant about imposters;  genres which pose as language of information but are in reality language of misinformation, or even disinformation. (propaganda).